Preview: Argentine Polo Championship Tournament 2013

The Catedral Del Polo in Palermo, Buenos Aires is the venue of the Argentine Open, the most important and highly anticipated tournament in an action-packed calendar year. The Campo Argentino Del Polo, popularly known as the ‘Cathedral of Polo’, is a unique polo field, situated ten minutes away from downtown Buenos Aires, and home to the Campeonato Argentino Abierto de Polo, the most important polo event in the world, held there since 1928. It is the fifth-oldest polo competition in the world and the Argentine Open is regarded as one of the most important international championships at club level. Glamorous crowds flock to the event to watch the world’s top polo players fight for victory before celebrating at glittering parties in the capital’s most exclusive bars and clubs. Boasting the highest number of ten-goal players in the sport, Argentina has long been regarded as the mecca of polo and with such a line up, there is certainly going to be drama and flair on and off the pitch, and during and after the match.

Dates: 16 Nov – 7 Dec 2013


  • Campo Argentino de Polo (La Catedral del Polo)
  • Avenida del Libertador, Buenos Aires
  • Province Buenos Aires, Argentina

Campeonato Argentino Abierto de Polo


In-House Editor

To say Hamyar has traveled would be something of an understatement. His passion for travelling has taken him from Tanzania to Dubai and an enviable number of places between, and the memories he captures always make for interesting reading. As well as travel, other subjects which fall into his expert remit include culture, design, fashion and cars - in other words, a born globetrotting who is destined for great things if his aspirations so far are anything to go by.

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